Clinical Edge - Making sense of pain with marvelous metaphors & awesome analogies. Explaining pain 2 with David Toomey Clinical Edge - Making sense of pain with marvelous metaphors & awesome analogies. Explaining pain 2 with David Toomey

Making sense of pain with marvelous metaphors & awesome analogies. Explaining pain 2 with David Toomey

Making sense of pain with marvelous metaphors & awesome analogies. Explaining pain 2 with David Toomey

We’ve all experienced a paper cut, hunger pain, or stepped barefoot onto those kids bedroom landmines known as Lego pieces. How can you use these common experiences as a metaphor to help your patients make sense of their pain, and know how to approach their rehab?

Metaphors can help your patients understand when it’s safe to exercise despite pain or discomfort, so they complete their rehab program and make treatment progress. Metaphors can dampen your patients pain response as you increase their movement and activity with graded exposure. Metaphors can even help your patient understand manual therapy, imaging findings, or why they reach for the foam roller despite it only providing temporary relief and actually prolonging their recovery from ITB pain.

Now available - Making sense of pain with marvelous metaphors & awesome analogies. Explaining pain 2 with David Toomey

How can you use metaphors effectively in your treatment? Find out in this “Explaining pain part 2” presentation with David Toomey (NZ Titled Musculoskeletal Physio, PhD Candidate), and explore:

  • Why metaphors are so effective in your treatment of atraumatic pain, such as low back or neck pain.
  • How to use metaphors when your patient is reluctant to exercise because of pain.
  • Why your patients' pain improved after booking their appointment.
  • How to use metaphors to understand pain science, without it sounding like “It’s all in your head”.
  • 10 metaphors you can use and adapt to help your patients make sense of their pain.
  • Why placebo pills work.
  • How to use metaphors and manual therapy to help dethreaten your patients imaging results.
  • How to describe, and how NOT to describe your manual therapy.
  • Metaphors you need to AVOID like the plague, that will harm your results.
  • What to do when your metaphors fall flat.
  • How to create outstanding metaphors that resonate with your patients.

This part 2 presentation builds on the previous presentation “Explaining pain part 1” with David Toomey, where you discovered how to turn complex pain science into simple, meaningful explanations that your patients easily understand. In part 1 you explored case studies and practical strategies that help you successfully sprinkle pain science into your patients rehab, to maximise their recovery even when you’re short on time. Now in part 2 you’ll discover how to incorporate metaphors into your successful treatment of pain.

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