Clinical Edge - Free videos - How to assess and treat low back pain in runners and athletes Clinical Edge - Free videos - How to assess and treat low back pain in runners and athletes

Free videos - How to assess and treat low back pain in runners and athletes

Free videos - How to assess and treat low back pain in runners and athletes

Low back pain is one of the most common conditions patients present with for treatment. What is important when assessing and treating patients with low back pain? How can you improve your low back pain assessment, treatment and results? How can you help to restore or build your patients confidence, movement and resiliency?

Recent research has highlighted the importance of incorporating exercise into your treatment. Athletes and runners are often already active, but still present with low back pain. How can we help athletes that are already active to recover from their LBP, and return to sport and running?

We want to answer these questions for you, and are really excited to let you know about a FREE 3 part videos series that will help you with your assessment and treatment of low back pain. In this free 3 part video series with Tom Goom, you will discover the key assessment and treatment techniques you can use when treating low back pain with your patients, runners and athletes. You will explore a 10 point step-by-step process for assessing and treating low back pain.

You will be able to use this step by step approach to identify red flags, psychosocial factors, and address key impairments in strength, movement control and range of movement. You will improve your treatment results, and help to build more confident and robust runners and athletes

CLICK HERE to get your free access to this 3 part video series with Tom Goom on "How to assess and treat low back pain in runners and athletes"

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