Clinical Edge - Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Second Strain with Nick Kendrick Clinical Edge - Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Second Strain with Nick Kendrick

Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Second Strain with Nick Kendrick

Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Second Strain with Nick Kendrick

The box slipped out of workmates hands, and his arms got jerked forward and down with the sudden load. He managed to avoid tumbling down the stairs after the box, but had pain in both shoulders immediately, and a full thickness supraspinatus tear on his right.

In the Case of the Second Strain, Sherlock Holmes aka Nick Kendrick (Sports and Musculoskeletal Physio) investigates this case study of a patient with a workplace injury, and his failed surgical repair and post-op rehab. You will discover the hidden clues that will help you crack this case, and succesfully rehab your shoulder pain and post-op patients.

You will discover:

  • Background info and pre-op treatment that set the stage for ongoing pain
  • A glimpse through the magnifying glass - imaging findings
  • Post-op rehab and why it failed
  • What to do when you hit a rehab plateau
  • Mental state - when lack of progress is starting to do your patients head in (and yours)
  • What is the likelihood of success of another round of surgery?
  • How your approach to rehab changes the treatment outcomes
  • How you can challenge your patients biomedical beliefs about when surgery is required
  • Questionnaires that can help to guide your treatment, and identify when other health professionals need to be involved in your rehab
  • Searching the area - Findings in the C/Sp and T/sp and how to identify if they are relevant
  • When shoulder special tests help and hinder your investigation
  • Putting case findings together into a plan of attack (treatment)
  • How to address psychosocial barriers to progress
  • Helping patients to self-manage their rehab
  • When involving other health professionals is a great idea
  • How to describe shoulder pain and tendon tears to your patients
  • Open vs arthroscopic rotator cuff repairs
  • Treatment strategies you can use to reduce pain sensitivity
  • What are acceptable levels of pain during rehab?
  • How to progress shoulder exercises
  • Why and how to involve the kinetic chain in your shoulder rehab
  • Specific exercises and progressions you can use
  • Solving the case - the keys and take-home messages

Start your free trial Clinical Edge membership now to solve the Case of the Second Strain, and become your clinic's "Sherlock Holmes".

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