Clinical Edge - Groin pain - a case study with David Pope Clinical Edge - Groin pain - a case study with David Pope

Groin pain - a case study with David Pope

Groin pain can have a number of structures that are implicated, including the hip joint, hip flexors, adductors, abdominals and lumbar spine. Differentiation of these structures allows you to be specific in your treatment, and you can then utilise your clinical reasoning to identify the best treatment for each condition and individual patient.

In this case study of a sportsperson with groin pain, David Pope helps you explore information you gain from the history of a person with groin pain that will assist your diagnosis, tests you can perform in your objective examination to assess & differentially diagnose the structures involved, how you can identify treatment strategies, exercises your patients can perform and how you can progress these.

Groin pain - a case study 1 with David Pope

Groin pain - a case study 2 with David Pope

Groin pain - a case study 3 with David Pope

Groin pain - a case study 4 with David Pope

Audio - Groin pain - a case study with David Pope

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