Clinical Edge - Hamstring Injuries in Elite Sprinters Merryn Aldridge Clinical Edge - Hamstring Injuries in Elite Sprinters Merryn Aldridge

Hamstring Injuries in Elite Sprinters Merryn Aldridge

How can you progress your athletes from the acute stages of hamstring injury, right through to return to an elite level?

When are they able to start running without risk of reinjury?

What guidelines can you use to know their body and hamstring will cope with full return to sport?

In this presentation "Hamstring Rehab for Elite Sprinters", Merryn Aldridge of Sydney Sports Medicine Centre and NSWIS (NSW Institute of Sport) takes you through the stages of rehab from acute injury (Phase 1) right through to full sprinting (Phase 5). Providing clear guidelines for progression along the way, Merryn's presentation will help you work with your athletes to get them back to sport pain free and injury-free.

Incorporated into this presentation are:

  • Lateral Movement Program

  • Drills for Neuromuscular Retraining

  • Specific Return to Sprinting Program 

  • Strength Program

Part 1 goes through short term goals, acute phase, lower limb strength, rehab guidelines and progressions from Phase 1 to Phase 2 (returning to jogging).

Part 2 of this presentation then takes you through Phases 3 to 5, starting to run, building speed and strength, progression points, specific exercises and returning to competition.

Hamstring Injuries in Elite Sprinters 01

Hamstring Injuries in Elite Sprinters 02

Hamstring Injuries in Elite Sprinters Handout

Audio - Hamstring Injuries in Elite Sprinters

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