Clinical Edge - Diagnosis of frozen shoulder and rotator cuff tendinopathy with Jo Gibson Clinical Edge - Diagnosis of frozen shoulder and rotator cuff tendinopathy with Jo Gibson

Diagnosis of frozen shoulder and rotator cuff tendinopathy with Jo Gibson

Diagnosis of frozen shoulder and rotator cuff tendinopathy with Jo Gibson

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How to differentiate between early frozen shoulder and rotator cuff tendinopathy.

In this Facebook Live post with Jo Gibson you will discover:

  • Why early identification of frozen shoulder is important
  • Key features and diagnostic criteria that will help you identify and differentiate early frozen shoulder and rotator cuff reactive tendinopathy
  • What imaging is important
  • How night pain helps your diagnosis
  • When you can accurately identify frozen shoulder? Can you diagnose frozen shoulder in your first treatment session?
  • Testing you can perform to assist your diagnosis

Jo Gibson's Shoulder: Steps to Success online course is open for a short time, and includes a full Bonus module on Frozen Shoulder that explores your assessment and treatment of this condition in even more detail, along with 9 other complete shoulder assessment and treatment modules. With course enrolment, you will receive step by step guidance to develop your approach to shoulder pain, with video demonstrations of techniques and exercises, lectures, case studies, and videos of full assessment and treatment sessions with an expert clinician.

Enrol now to feel confident in your assessment and management, with the knowledge that your treatment is targeting exactly what your patient needs.

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